Why go with a kiosk?

Self-service kiosks are becoming increasingly popular in restaurants, and for good reason. They offer a number of benefits for both restaurants and customers.

Benefits for Restaurant

Reduced wait times: Kiosks can help to reduce wait times by allowing customers to place their orders independently. This is especially beneficial during peak hours, when restaurants are typically very busy.

Increased order accuracy: Kiosks can help to reduce the number of order errors. This is because customers are entering their own orders, and they can easily review and correct them before submitting them.

Customization options: Kiosks can allow customers to customize their orders in a way that is not possible with traditional ordering methods. For example, customers can choose specific toppings for their pizzas or burgers, or they can adjust the spiciness of their food.

Cost savings: Kiosks can help to reduce labor costs by freeing up staff to focus on other tasks, such as cooking and serving food.

Upsell and cross-sell products: Kiosks can be used to upsell and cross-sell products to customers. For example, a kiosk might suggest a side dish or dessert to a customer who is already ordering a main course.

Increased revenue: Kiosks can help to increase revenue by upselling and cross-selling products to customers. For example, a kiosk might suggest a side dish or dessert to a customer who is already ordering a main course.

Benefits for Customers

Convenience: Kiosks are convenient for customers because they allow them to place their orders at their own pace and without having to wait in line.

Control: Kiosks give customers more control over their ordering experience. For example, customers can browse the menu at their own pace, and they can easily compare different items.

Personalization: Kiosks allow customers to personalize their orders in a way that is not possible with traditional ordering methods. For example, customers can choose specific toppings for their pizzas or burgers, or they can adjust the spiciness of their food.

Speed: Kiosks can help to speed up the ordering process. This is because customers are entering their own orders, and they can easily review and correct them before submitting them.

The 5loyalty kiosk is seamlessly created from the platform; the following configurations are possible

Hardware & Installation

We partner with PanaEpos (https://www.panaepos.com/) in the UK and are adding further partners in other territories. They will look after the installation and the post-installation warranty. The screens are all FEC and operate on Android OS.

Kiosk Type & Size

Our kiosk can be run portrait or landscape on a 15", 17" or 19" Android tablet and can be floor-mounted, wall mounted or standalone.


Every 5loyalty kiosk is monitored remotely, our support team monitor the online status, the battery life and important information to ensure that the kiosk runs smoothly.

Order Types

Take away or Eat-in? Different order types can follow different tax rules or can change the way the dish is packaged. The 5L kiosk allows the user to make the choice before they order and this is clearly identified when the order is sent to the kitchen.

Different Menus

The 5L platform allows different menus to be set for different order types, at different times of the day, for different locations. These can be quickly and easily updated in the 5l admin panel.


The look and feel of the kiosk suits your brand, individual order splash screens can be uploaded, colours, logos and all the other brand assets from the ordering platform are carried over to the kiosk screen. Your brand, your kiosk.


The 5L kiosk can run with integrated payments OR non-integrated payments. Integrated payments will automatically require the user to pay for their order through the attached stripe terminal. Customers are able to use all card types, contactless or chip and pin. Non-integrated payments send the order through to the kiosk "pay at counter" which allows the customers to take payments through their regular 'in-store' pdq machines

Frequently asked questions

Currently the 5L kiosk will only integrate with Stripe PDQs.

At any time the kiosk terminal can be disabled in the 5l admin panel.

Our kiosk only runs on Android OS, if your current system is Android then it may be possible. PLease get in touch to discuss.,

Want to know more?

Book a demo today and see how we can help you:

  • Increase customer engagement and loyalty
  • Boost sales and improve margins
  • Reduce costs and streamline operations
  • Get a personalized demo from one of our experts and learn more about how our platform can help you achieve your goals.