On-demand Delivery

Run independently or integrate with third-party apps

Power your own delivery service from inside your app or integrate with popular services like Uber, Deliveroo or Just Eat.


Meet your diners where they are

Serve your diners wherever they are with on-demand delivery.

You have the flexibility to decide whether you’ll integrate your app with popular third-party delivery services or run your own service.

You decide how far you want to go

Customize your own delivery service within limits that work for you. Set a minimum spend on orders, customized to location boundaries, with their own delivery fee. Create as many delivery zones as you like, all with their own pricing tiers.

No limit on delivery zones or pricing tiers

Diners gain loyalty points when ordering for delivery

Cut out the middleman

Want to know more?

Book a demo today and see how we can help you:

  • Increase customer engagement and loyalty
  • Boost sales and improve margins
  • Reduce costs and streamline operations
  • Get a personalized demo from one of our experts and learn more about how our platform can help you achieve your goals.