SushiDog Loyalty Scheme Case Study

Posted by Vincent Tyron
On October 3, 2022

SushiDog was founded in 2018 when its first store opened in Westfield Shopping Centre, London. Since then, SushiDog has gone from strength to strength and the business now has four sites in the capital.

SushiDog was founded to provide a desirable alternative to the dominant grab-and-go sushi market leaders with fresher and more customisable bowls, rolls and salads.

“The 5Loyalty application is great because it’s branded as SushiDog and looks like a SushiDog application. The sign-up is simple and it’s very easy for customers to use.

Some loyalty systems are super complicated and customers are left unsure of what they get for their money. We wanted to make our loyalty scheme very simple and 5Loyalty enables us to do that.”

Greg Ilsen, Co-Founder of SushiDog

How the SushiDog loyalty scheme works

Customers can scan a QR code at SushiDog tills to download the 5Loyalty-built application and join the loyalty scheme.

Once they are a loyalty scheme member, customers can add their unique QR code to their Apple or Android Wallet. This code will be scanned at purchase for customers to claim loyalty points.

For every £10 a customer spends in store, they gain £1 back in points. Once customers have acquired enough points, they can redeem those points for free food. Points can be used to discount products or accrued to claim an entire free roll, bowl or salad.

SushiDog offer a free portion of their most popular side dishes, Japanese tater tots, to attract people to download its application and sign up. Upon registration, new users receive a voucher that they can exchange in store for a portion of tater tots.

  • 30 sign-ups on average per day
  • 1800 members registered in first 4 months
  • 121% average increase in subscribers month-by-month

The story so far

“Adoption of the loyalty scheme was slow at first, but then it accelerated. We saw a massive hike in subscribers in the second and third month after the scheme first launched.
I believe that as more people sign-up, it will create a snowball effect. People come to SushiDog with their colleagues and their friends, and when they whip out their application, they get their points. As people recommend the application, their friends and colleagues will want to sign-up as well.”

Greg Ilsen, Co-Founder of SushiDog

Future loyalty plans

Going forward, SushiDog plan to launch personalised rewards for loyalty customers. One plan is to design customised offers for customers who haven’t visited in a while.

Using data derived from the 5Loyalty application, SushiDog have visibility on which loyalty customers have reduced their visit frequency. The business intends to use that data to target loyalty customers with promotions to lure them back in store. For example, if a customer previously visited SushiDog once a week but hasn’t visited for three weeks, they will receive a notification of a personalised offer through their application to entice them back.

Other personalised loyalty rewards in the pipeline include special birthday offers and ‘milestone’ rewards for customers who have visited five or ten times, for example.

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